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12k have pulled off yet another coup in the form of the UK’s AUTISTICI, aka David Newman, who also finds time to curate and run the very fine Audiobulb imprint. Packed with highly charged and slightly eccentric creativity, Volume Objects is infused with a refreshing pallette of original sounds, culled from an inventory of found objects, broken instrumentation, field recordings, synthesisers, and doubtless a comprehensive armoury of software. The net result being a vigorous, organic 9- track ensemble of pieces that are as varied and inventive as can possibly be packed into one piece of shiny plastic. Volume Objects combines effusive, and energetically calibrated editing, with beautifully obtuse usage of instrumentation that could be the lost cousin of Future Sound Of London, during their “Life Forms” incarnation. Most of these sounds interlock for the briefest of moments, and in fact the whole Autistici aesthetic here seems to deny any sense of permanence, as sounds and images fleetingly appear, then dissipate like condensation on a window, or dust motes on a camera lens. Newman’s attention to detail stands up to close scrutiny, particularly under headphones, where most of the tracks reveal hidden depths and subtle interventions, floating in and out of focus,  shifting perspectives, and distorting windows. At a loss to find any true spiritual counterparts, I am reminded of The Boats, maybe,or Skoltz_Kolgen’s recent Silent Rooms, as Autistici inhabit a dusty, slightly surreal netherworld of broken gramophones, decaying violins, and quietly muttering showroom dummies – anachronistic elements that are suddenly and inexplicably fused and merged within the digital realm, conjoined for the briefest of moments, creating glimmers of rare beauty.  Singling any one track out for celebration is pointless, as every one here is a gem, but for me, the curiously entitled Heated Dust on a Sunlit Window, and the wonderful Attaching Softness to a Shell emerge as personal favourites, especially the latter’s compelling mix of phone-tone slides that sound like the telemetry of some lost satellite, whose last whispers are still transmitting through the ether. Housed in 12k’s classic and superbly designed digipak, with a booklet containing Taylor Deupree’s photographic interpretations of the tracks on offer, this work is truly exceptional.Here, 12k have once again released an artist whose work departs from their original brief – as this is most definitely not minimalism in any shape or form; however, what we do have is the emergence of an artist whose work will no doubt be imitated and plundered forsome time to come, such is the strength and depth of it’s creativity. 12k have most assuredly saved the best release of the year until the end..a fine departure from 2007, and most certainly a label and artist to stand up and pay attention to. More please. BGN


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tokafi.com has just posted a nice review of Jodi Cave’s “For Myria”:

Promising timelessness: A shower of summer rain gently pelting down on the ears of the listener.
There is a scene in “Kill Bill” when Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman) and O-Ren Ishii (Lucy Liu) meet for their final fight in a snow-clad zen garden. A miniature well is pouring water on a hinged piece of wood, causing it to rebound in intermittant intervals and creating a delicate rhythm to a scene otherwhise filled with an intense silence. In just a few seconds, the white of the snow will be sprayed with blood, but for the shortness of the moment, the mood is one of peace and tranquility. It is the place Jodi Cave is taking listeners to on his debut disc.

Cave is the sort of artist who likes to disappear completely behind his music. He does not own a MySpace account. On the site of record company 12K, whom he also released a digital EP and a sampler contribution with, his biography measures roughly four lines. His personal webpage doesn’t even have one at all. In a world as secluded as this, every note is either a personal statement or a friendly puff of wind, a shower of summer rain gently pelting down on the ears of the listener.The latter seems to be the case here. While the record may be called “For Myria”, therefore, it could just as well be titled “For You” instead. It is a work of whisper, of quietude, of fragile structures, of sensousness and sensitivity. It is like the soft aftertaste on your tongue after sipping on a cup of Jasmin tea. It is music to fall in love with  – and the soundtrack for falling in love to. It is a personal album with a universal message. It is outspoken, yet wordless. Among the many wonderful albums the year 2007 has had to offer, it is one of those promising timelessness. According to Jodi Cave, “it sounds yellow”.What makes it stand out are three distinct qualities. Firstly, its purity and minimalism with regards to instrumentation. Secondly, its effective and loveable combination of organic and processed material. And finally, the way in which Cave seagues his scenes into a vivid and deep aural walk along the bank of a furtile riverscape. Each of the pieces collected on “For Myria” is a moment or a mood, short and ephemeral and with as much beauty as inner tension. The art, to Jodi Cave, lies not in the discovery of new and unheard sounds, nor in sensational and extravagant arrangements. To him, the key lies in describing an underlying truth and emotion with as few words as possible. To this purpose, his transformations are never complete, they always float silently in between their original context and a new life. For a second, you think you can hear birds chirping, mallets touching the metal of a vibraphone, an accordeon inflating and deflating, that hinged piece of wood rebounding with a warm thump.But then the instant passes and the track grows into something different, a metaphor maybe or simply into thickly sprayed paint over a pencilled canvas of caligraphy. Even though there is nothing much happening on the surface of things, these lapses into a cosmos much bigger and brighter than our own continue like chronic daydreams. It is very unlikely that Jodi Cave was ever thinking about that aforementioned scene in “Kill Bill” when writing the material to this album. But if he did, he had his DVD player on pause, freezing the peace and tranquility of the momemt forever.


By Tobias Fischer

THE WIRE REVIEWS “THE SLEEPING MORNING” (+ error correction!) December 20, 2007

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The Wire wrote up a wonderful review of mine and Savvas’ cd in this months’ issue…  here it is…. but we also wanted to point out the error that it is not ME singing.. but Savvas… i did get behind the mic for a few minutes in the studio and we quickly determined i was not the man for the job!read on.. but please note savvas is the vocalist! smorning_wire_jan08.jpg 

12K PROMO SAMPLER: FREE CD (Read Below) December 13, 2007

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featuring tracks from the last 10 12k releases:


1. christopher willits + ryuichi sakamoto “toward water”

2. solo andata “live in melbourne” (excerpt)

3. autistici “attaching softness to a shell [c]”

4. savvas ysatis + taylor deupree “listen to the morning sleeping”

5. giuseppe ielasi “02”

6. jodi cave “for myria (two)”

7. pjusk “anelse”

8. moskitoo “terrier”

9. seaworthy “map in hand pt. 4 (epilogue)”

10. fourcolor “flyaway”




the 12k Promo sampler is going to be given away FREE with all orders during the month of January 2008. We’ve got a lot of new stuff coming out in the next couple of months, so this is our way of saying thanks to everyone who has supported us. (There will be a limit to one disc per customer, regardless of number of orders.)


in addition, we will be including a free copy of the cd to all NEW customers placing their very first order in our online shop. we will be implementing this right now, for the remainder of December and through January and possibly beyond.


after January Promo001 will be sold in the online shop for a small fee of $3 to help recover our costs. it’s a perfect way to introduce yourself, or a friend, to the sounds of 12k.


supplies are limited. if we run out… well, then we’re out.


we hope you enjoy this cd.


happy holidays from 12k.

RIP STOCKHAUSEN December 7, 2007

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i have posted 3 new photographs in my photography website.. i won’t give them away with thumbnails here….please visit: www.taylordeupree.com latest additions are in the NORTHERN, MISC, and LANDSCAPE collections 


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cyclicdefrost.com has asked Seaworthy’s Cameron Webb to discuss some his favorite and most influential recordings.

you can read the article here.

“THE SLEEPING MORNING” review on Soundscaping.net December 3, 2007

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from Soundscaping.net

October 2007 saw the release of a new EP on the critically acclaimed 12k label based out of New York, signed the label’s owner and none other than Savvas Ysatis – long-time collaborators back in the mid 1990s but since their amicable split the pair have not worked together for over 10 years. Now the audience are graced with the fruits born out of a reborn collaboration, which saw Ysatis leave Greece for the US for a week-long visit and enter the studio with Taylor Deupree to “see what came naturally” after their break.

Prior works from the two have often been born out of concepts or constraints revolving around a certain project, like their mid-90s recordings as SETI, Futique and Arc. This time, the two artists seem to have gone for a direct feel, live performance direct to multi-track with little editing, and recording with microphones for a more spacious feel of room.. and it can be felt, the end result is a luscious 4-track EP which has two instrumental tracks and two semi-vocal tracks, and personally it’s the second and fourth, the two with vocals that stand out as truly seminal here. Ysatis and Deupree are on to a winning formula with a lovely warm organic sound fusing something such as a minimalism and folk, produced by the choice of instruments like acoustic guitars, modest percussive elements and some harp-like sounds and other synthesized goodness, including a Jupiter-8.


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